Als je goed oplet terwijl je door de straten van Napels dwaalt kan het zijn dat je #cuoredinapoli voorbij ziet komen of een rood geblokt hart ziet. Vraag jij je af wat dit betekent? Wij hebben het antwoord voor je, lees snel verder.
Het kunstwerk
Cuore di Napoli is een ‘city brand’. Het is een project van studenten van de Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, de kunstacademie van Napels. Deze studenten volgen de opleiding nieuwe technologie en gebruiken de stad als hun laboratorium.
#CuorediNapoli is een dynamisch kunstwerk dat mensen met plekken laat verbinden. Dit kan een buurtfeest zijn of juist het vragen van aandacht voor een imperfectie. Dit laatste klinkt misschien wat abstract maar zie hieronder een aantal voorbeelden:

Wij hielden een kort interview met #CuorediNapoli
1. What is #cuoredinapoli?
#CUOREDINAPOLI is a relational, connective and participatory work of art wich comes from the idea of exploring and studying a new form of Relational Art. It embraces complex and different experiences, closely linked to the territory and its community. #CUOREDINAPOLI modifies how people feel and act, amplify the sense of belonging to a common place.
2. How was the project born?
It is an artistic project created by the school of New technology of art at the Neapolitan Academy of Fine Arts.
Born as “Festival del bacio”, after two editions (2012-2013) made in Sant’Agata de’Goti, the opera-event moved to Naples, taking the name of #CUOREDINAPOLI.
3. Who are the brains behind this city brand?
Mostly artists from the the school of New technology of art at the Neapolitan Academy of Fine Arts.
4. Where can people find #cuoredinapoli?
#CUOREDINAPOLI is also a concrete sign, spread all over the city. Its diffusion starts from the bottom, welcomed by the shops dealer and by anyone who wants to participate in any way.
Currently the heartbeat that pulse in all the hearts placed all over the city and beyond, is transmitted by the Webfaro, the original and first heartbeat of #CUOREDINAPOLI, placed in the Spanish Quarters.
5. What did you already accomplish with #cuoredinapoli?
A big event in Quartieri Spagnoli in the beginning of 2019 and an event in Pignasecca (Montesanto) in december 2019. Also a few smaller events.
Check our website for more information.
6. Can tourist participate in something like this?
You can (tourists included) join the flow using the hashtag #CUOREDINAPOLI on your social media.
7. What is the most memorable moment of #cuoredinapoli so far?
There are 200 people working behind #CUOREDINAPOLI, and everyone of us have a memorable moment, for example: the first Cuore installation at the harbour station that had a lot of technical problems; the lady who during the opera event hosted the flow of people inside her house, offering various quantities of food, despite the fact that in the previous days she had not shown any sign of participation before the opera event.
We try to underline the need and the presence of a widespread feeling that leads people to come together in giving shape and substance to the relationships that already exist but that are sometimes pushed aside, or not highlighted enough.
Wil je meer weten over #cuoredinapoli? Laat het ons weten, wij vertellen je er graag meer over tijdens onze tours.
* alle foto’s zijn gemaakt door studenten van de kunstacademie in Napels.